Up for item this week we have this Set of Right and Left Rear Footpeg /Brackets (s) for a 1981-1983 Yamaha XJ550 Maxim.Both brackets look clean, straight and ready to bolt on. Nothing looks seriously damaged; only minor wear is evident. Take a good look at the pictures provided and buy now on some quality used replacement parts for your XJ550!
These brackets came from a large crate ofXJ550 Seca andMaximparts that we are listing on Rice Paddy this week. If you don't see thepart or parts you are looking for, feel free to email us or give us a call--we have MANY MORE parts in stock!!!!
Please note that electrical parts and parts containing bearings, seals, gaskets and non-durable rubber partsare sold used/as-is and that we cannot guarantee full functionality at the time of sale.